Added on 04 Nov, 2009
by Helen Fletton.
There are
Montreal, Quebec now boasts a restaurant that many food allergy sufferers are enviously hoping will franchise to their neighbourhood.
Zero8 Resto-Bar provides world cuisine without the eight most common food allergens; fish and seafood, peanuts, nuts, sesame seeds, milk, soya, eggs, wheat or any grain containing gluten (barley, oat, rye and triticale).
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Added on 11 Jun, 2009
by Helen Fletton.
There are
Many of you have probably read my blog on just how great Calgary's only gluten free restaurant, A Tasty Menu, is (read it again). So we were sad to find out recently that it's for sale due to family circumstances.
It's been a rare treat for local Albertans with wheat allergy or intolerance, or coeliac disease, to be able to go into a restaurant and choose absolutely anything from the menu, safe in the knowledge that every ingredient is wheat allergy/coeliac friendly.
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Added on 10 Jun, 2009
by Helen Fletton.
There are
The presence of wheat, soya, and sulphites is not declared.
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Added on 08 Apr, 2009
by Helen Fletton.
There are
Having allowed the wheat blog to languish for way too long something so heinous has persuaded me that it's time to restart blogging the groans, moans and hassles of wheat free life.
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