Wheat free cake, cookie, and muffin recipes

How many people on a wheat free diet miss cakes, cookies, and muffins? While supermarkets have tried to cater for this missing treat for anyone suffering with a wheat allergy or celiac disease, the cakes tend to be expensive, which can be prohibitive if if you have to regularly pack up lunches for wheat or gluten free children (or adults). I know that we should all be eating less sugar and more fruit in our lunches, but quite frankly, if I don't have a small sweet treat at lunchtime I'm more likely to make some poor food choices later in the day.

The wheat free cake recipes listed on this page have all been successfully tested time and time again, they've been sold at village fetes, taken on picnics, hauled up mountains, and packed in lunchboxes on a regular basis.

Going out on a long walk or cycle ride? Why not take some banana bread wrapped in slices for easy snacking. It's full of slow release energy, absolutely ideal for keeping energy levels up and pounding out the miles. And don't forget, bananas contain potassium, allegedly a vital mineral in helping to avoid cramp.


Unfortunately for those suffering from celiac disease not all of the recipes are gluten free as they might use oats, barley, or rye. However, some of these recipes can be adapted using gluten free flours but the taste will be slightly different in the resulting recipes.