Wheat free/gluten free magazines
Like to leaf through the pages of a physical magazine? Or prefer to go digital? Magazines can often give you that ah-ha! moment when you're looking for a new recipe, or for wheat allergy/celiac friendly advice. Not all of these magazines are available as a digital option, and sadly many of the old favourites are no longer in existence.
Australian Gluten-Free Life magazine

Basic website with recipes and articles.
Print subscription.
Delight Gluten Free magazine
Fairly basic website with articles and featured recipes.
Print subscription.
GFF magazine (Gluten-Free Forever)

Website has recipes, product reviews, and travel info.
Digital subscription.
Gluten Free & More magazine

Lots of information on website including recipes, resources, general info, cooking videos, lifestyle, and health.
Currently offers a free digital subscription with every print subscription.
Live Well Gluten Free magazine
Whether you're a member of Coeliac UK or not, the website has useful resources and information.
Magazine free to Coeliac UK members and can be bought by non-members
And those that haven't survived but still have websites
Allergic Living magazine
Still has a useful website www.allergicliving.com
Crossed Grain magazine
Appears to be replaced by Live Well Gluten Free magazine
Gluten-Free Heaven magazine
Still has a useful website www.freefromheaven.com
Gluten-Free Living magazine
Go Gluten-Free magazine
All that's left appears to be a Facebook page that's not been updated since 2016
Simply Gluten-Free magazine
Appears to now be Gluten Free & More magazine www.glutenfreeandmore.com