Dietary Specials wheat & gluten free multigrain sliced bread

The kitchen followed the preparation instructions on the packet to either oven cook, microwave or toast.
Oven cooking: we didn't like the smell of the bread once it was oven cooked, it had a slightly sweet sickly aroma, and smelt nothing like hot bread should smell. The texture when hot was a bit like the cheaper wheat containing breads, and stuck to the roof of our mouths.
Microwave cooking: again we didn't like the smell once cooked, and it pretty much was the same results for taste and texture as the oven cooked test.
Toasted: we really liked this bread toasted. Again it didn't smell like we wanted bread to smell like while toasting, but once it was cooked to a golden colour it looked nice and appetising. The taste was okay toasted, as was the texture, and we liked the crunchiness of it.
We then spread each of the 3 cooked versions with low fat spread, jam and Marmite. Again the oven cooked and microwaved slices weren't terribly tasty, and we thought that it was a good job that the jam and Marmite added a lot of flavour to cover the bread taste. However the toasted version was great with jam or Marmite, and we also went on to try it with ripe brie.
Overall our testers thought that they would not want to try to make a packed lunch out of this bread as it became very fragile after heating and leaving to go cold. Though when cold the taste was less intrusive. But all of our testers voted that the bread toasted was really good, and a great breakfast treat that they had been missing.
This review refers to the multigrain version only.
Our testing panel is made up of people with wheat allergies and also people who can eat wheat as part of their normal diet.